Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dreams & Latent Content

I had a dream that I was thrown into the air by Jason Voorhees. So I looked up the meaning to fly in a dream and one site said that it could be a sign of doubt in reaching a goal if I had trouble gaining elevation. Another sight mentions that I now have a sense of freedom compared to a time before.

About two weeks ago, I had a dream that I broke into someone's house and stole a bunch of stuff, then being arrested for it. I looked up being arrested in a dream dictionary. It stated that dreaming of being arrested showed either issues with self control or deep down guilt.

Last summer I had a dream about an ex girlfriend but I don't remember what happened. So I tried to look up the meaning of seeing a previous significant other in a dream. The site says that it could mean you still miss them or you are in need of closure to the love story.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bullying and Harassment

     I think that no matter how much people preach and threaten about bullying and harassment, it will still happen. I've picked on and been picked on so I know how it feels. Ever since I moved from Shawano, I became more of the quiet kid so I didn't know anyone to pick on or be picked on by.

     Unless you are joking with your friends and both people are truly laughing, not faking the laughs, then it is unacceptable. In Shawano, people got picked on and nothing was done because the bullies got all of their friends to go along with the story of, "They started it!"

     I'm not going to get involved in anything that goes on here unless it has something to do with my friends. I will continue to be a bystander, not because it's not my business, but because I'm not going to stick up for people who won't stick up for me.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Twilight Zone reaction and beauty

      The Twilight Zone was really creepy, the faces of the people were really deformed but apparently it was the norm so people thought the deformed faces were beauty and the normal face to our world was ugly. I expected that when the bandages were removed, there would be this hideous messed up face. I was obviously wrong. When all of the nurses and doctors showed up with the screwed up faces, that's what I thought was the weirdest.

      I think the saying "Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder" is 100% true. When thinking of beauty, some people say it's what's on the inside, but we all know that's entirely not true. If you were at a party and someone is in your eyes attractive, you're more likely to talk to them versus some one with maybe a disability or just ugly.

      Someone in my eyes is something I don't think is really possible to explain. They are just attractive. I think alot of people may be this way. Even though they say "She's got an incredible body!" they may not be attracted to her. 

Ink Blot

I think my ink blot looks like a Fox racing symbol.

personality test 3

                   Your Type is
Strength of the preferences %

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Role play

      I was picked to be an "over-achiever" which is the opposite of what I am normally like. When being the over-achiever, I felt like i was more friendly and was treated a little bit better. For example, when the teacher gave Derick a piece of candy, I asked for a piece and she gave me one. If the "bullied kid" or "loser" would have asked, I don't think they would have gotten a piece.
      When I first got the role over-achiever, for me i thought i would never be able to do it. But, when I learned how to act, I started doing homework for the first time in a while. Like the Stanford prison study, I started taking on the role for real instead of pretending.
      In the prison study, the reaction of the inmates surprised me the most because of how much they obeyed the guards. I thought typical college graduates would think of it more like a joke. I didn't realize how much they would be torn down by the torture they went through. At first, the inmates would laugh and joke about the situation. But by the third day of the experiment, they were fully into their roles as prisoners.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

personality test

Your Type is
                                                     Strength of the preferences %
                                                            22 1212 39        

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Lobotomist

     In his eyes I think he believes that he is doing good deeds. He might not know the damage he could've caused. But even though he was causing so much harm, people didn't see what he actually was doing. He actually cured some people! In his time he was treated like a hero.
     His grandfather was one of the greatest surgeons ever. His grandfather removed the first brain tumor from a living patient. So Freeman thought he was born to be a medical hero. He worked all his life to find a way to cure mental diseases. And so he came up with the idea lobotomy.

     What scared most people was that he did his surgeries so much that just for fun, he would do them left handed. Going around the country, surgery after surgery, would take a heavy toll on a human being. People thought that maybe he would soon develop insanity or some other mental disorder. In the last few years of his career, he went around the world and talked to his patients.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Psycho Celeb

     Mike Valley is know for picking fights against more than two or three guys at a time. Many people think he just likes to fight. But maybe there is a few more biological reasons. It is possible that he was kept away from any physical contact with other kids when he was young. Or maybe kids called him weak in school. So now he might think that if he takes on five guys all bigger than him, he then proves to himself and the world he isn't weak. Or it could possibly be something physically wrong with his brain, his amygdala to be exact. Maybe he got hit or something didn't go quite right when his amygdala was formed causing his anger and aggression to be much more sever where the littlest things set him off. One more reason might be that he is in boxing or UFC and so every time he beats someone up, he gets appraisal. His coach might be telling him he needs to win a fight making him feel that if he doesn't win he is worthless.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I'm a junior in high school. I've moved a total of 11 times in 5 different cities between my two parents. I like to go snow boarding in the winter and skateboard in the summer. I also like to drive around with my brother. After high school i want to go to a tech school to become a welder and eventually become a steamfitter. I hope I don't take after my second oldest brother Jay down in Florida. He never made it past high school until he was 22.